We make transition! -project kicks off with a seminar in Helsinki, 10 March

We live with complex ecological and social challenges, and there is a need to mobilise all levels of society to develop solutions that enable a needed change in our traditional ways of doing things. Various civil society organisations and actors have an important role in helping public services to cope with external disturbances.

“We make transition!” project tackles the challenge of enabling bottom-up participation. The project organises a kickoff seminar with a key note speaker Derk Loorbach, Director of the Dutch Research Institute for Transition – DRIFT, Netherlands. Other speakers of the seminar represent views on civil society participation, role of culture and eco-social communities.

The seminar will be organised in Helsinki main library Oodi, Friday 10 March. It is open for external participants interested in transition management, civil society participation and eco-social sustainability.

We Make Transition! -project is a three-year project, co-financed by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. It involves 11 partner organisations from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany and Norway.

See you in Helsinki!

Kickoff seminar programme.

Read more about the project.