Tampere Smart City Week will take place next week starting on Saturday 23 January 2021 and lasting until Friday 29 January 2021. The event will introduce hot topics related to smart city solutions and it is targeted for all who are interested in smart city development.

The virtual TSCW conference on 26-28 January 2021 offers three interesting days with 155 speakers and eight themes. Themes for the conference include e.g. smart mobility, smart solutions in health care, security and sustainable development.

The citizens and other local operators can attend various events held around Tampere. In the events, the participants will get to know different kinds of smart city solutions and also get to participate in the city development.

Registration and program of the TSCW Virtual Conference can be found HERE.

The program of the Tampere Smart City Week events can be found HERE.

Join us and grow smarter in a week!