Cities and regions around the world are facing many challenges, such as: climate change, coronavirus pandemic, political and economic instabilities; and smart technologies are being used as an integral part of the solutions for these crises. Tools, software, platforms, artificial intelligence, and others are being developed as improvements to the urban areas, helping government make evidence-based decisions and building a smarter, human-centric society. In this scenario the Tampere Smart City Week (TSCW) launch an event focus on discuss about technologies, solutions, and the future.
The TSCW is an event for everyone interested in smart city development. The program of the event week includes a wide range of interesting programs for students, public sector, private companies, and experts from other cities. The next Tampere Smart City Week will be held from 29 January to 4 February 2022. The main organizer of Tampere Smart City Week is the City of Tampere in close cooperation with Business Tampere.
SURE has two session in the Conference. On Tuesday 1 February we will have a whole-day session “Smooth security & hard technology: a seamless blend of technology and ambiance for urban events with the SURE” and on Wednesday 2 February we will take over the main stage with panel discussion on “Urban Security and Digital Trust”.
The event is free of charge.
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Program and more info: