International Business Powered by Talents


International Business Powered by Talents (IBPT) project fosters the renewal, growth, agility, competitiveness and employment of the economy of Tampere region by strengthening the SMEs´ abilities in internationalization, innovation and co-creation. The project enhances abilities of the regional public business services to improve and adjust to the changing environment and to better serve the business life in the region with the help of customer orientation, service design and digitalization. International talents will be engaged in the development of new services which promotes their visibility, competences and expertise to SMEs.

International talents´ competence will be one competition factor in business sector in the future. Therefore it should be utilized more intensively in business development and innovative product and service design. Co-creation is in the core of the project activities bringing together public business service providers, SMEs, innovation platforms and international talents to accelerate co-working, co-design, services and dialogue between these groups. Variety of different business sectors will be activated and engaged, and everybody are encouraged to participate in the project activities. The project concentrates especially in structural development of the local business economy and design of new products and services.


The aim of the project is to (re-)design and digitize the public business services in novel way and bring in the value of international talents´ expertise. Different digital business services will be piloted during the project. Business hubs and innovation platforms are challenged to think new measures to involve SMEs and international talents more actively in to their operations. Regional “Round Table” will be established during the project to increase and intensify the dialogue between the business life and networks of international talents.

The project activities encourage the participants to seek and find new innovative solutions to develop and implement new services and products. ult of the activities carried out in the project there will be updated ensemble of public business services designed from company perspective and where companies find the needed support for their growth and internationalization. The new business service package will be implemented into regional public business services. The ultimate goal is to make an impact to regional structures of public business services. The aggregate will support the implementation of the Talent Boost Programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and piloting of Talent Hub model on national level.


Business Tampere, Lead Partner

New Factory Ltd.

The Baltic Institute of Finland


Project duration: 1 March 2018 – 29 February 2020 September 2018 (36 months)
Total project budget 300 000€
Total ERDF support: 210 000€


Senior Specialist Ms. Minna Säpyskä-Aalto
Email: minna.sapyska(at)
Mobile: +358 50 587 0357