GoSmart&Excel BSR
Towards smart and collaborative innovation in the Baltic Sea Region!
About GoSmart & Excel BSR
The ‘GoSmart BSR’ project (2018-2020) with its extension ‘Gosmart & Excel BSR’ (2021) aims to identify the joint strategic fields of innovation with internationalisation potential in the Baltic Sea region and support the internationalisation of companies within those fields. In practice, the project has created a methodology to identify the joint innovation priorities set in the regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) of various regions. Based on the method, a transnational smart specialisation strategy (Trans-S3) for the Baltic Sea region has been developed.
According to the Trans-S3, the strongest joint innovation priorities in the BSR include advanced manufacturing, circular economy, bioeconomy, resource efficiency and rehabilitation, sustainable water management, smart health, smart cities, digitalisation and cybersecurity.
To enhance the business cooperation, the project has created a ‘Transnational Innovation Brokerage System -TIBS’ – a network of trained innovation brokers that provide personal and practical help for companies to strengthen their international efforts and guide their cooperation offers.
Activities of the Baltic Institute of Finland
The Baltic Institute of Finland participates in the GoSmart & Excel project in its role as the coordinator of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Innovation. The Baltic Institute has been responsible for the dissemination of the project outcomes in the form of articles and organising events with representatives of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and other EU macro-regions.
Articles on TIBS and transnational smart specialisation:
Experiences from Transnational Innovation Brokerage system including successful TIBS cases
How to utilise Trans-S3 to develop BSR interregional cooperation?
- Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)
- Podlaska Regional Development Foundation (Poland)
- Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
- Valga Town Government (Estonia)
- Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre (Lithuania)
- Kouvola Innovation Ltd. (Finland)
- Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) (Germany)
- Baltic Institute of Finland (Finland)
- RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Sweden)
- North Denmark EU-Office (Denmark)
Duration: 1 April-31 December 2021
Financing: The project is financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020.