BELT-Baltic Entrepreneurship Laboratories
Project summary
The BELT project creates new joint companies and cooperation between start-ups in the Central Baltic region. The project develops joint and cooperating business opportunities under the theme of Smart City. BELT attracts entrepreneurship-oriented, already experienced and talented students as well as potential start-ups to the project incubator activities through relevant networks, platforms and university road shows in the partner locations.
Key activities are joint business development BootCamps and coaching for students and start-ups to develop and commercialize their business ideas and look for additional team members across borders. Additionally, a coaching network will be created to offer business coaching for the established joint teams and best co-operating business ideas from the BootCamps to help them find seed funding for their businesses.
The project aims to result in at least 5 joint and 10 co-operating knowledge intensive enterprises. The project will support 30 new knowledge intensive business ideas in the Central Baltic region.
Project results
The concrete activities and implementation of the BELT project ended in the end of June 2018. Three years of intensive work with project has not always been easy, but most of the targets were reached. More information about the project results can be viewed from the project website: https://www.beltproject.net/
BELT Partners
New Factory Ltd. (FI)
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (FI)
Almi / Demola East Sweden (SE)
Riga Technical University (LV)
The Baltic Institute of Finland (FI), Lead Partner
Associated Partners
Tampere Region Economic Development Agency Treadea (FI)
City of Tampere (FI)
Jūrmala City Council (LV)
Duration and budget
Project duration: 1 October 2015 – 30 September 2018 (36 months)
Lead partner: The Baltic Institute of Finland
Total project budget 1.1 M€
Total ERDF support: 840 000 €
BELT – Contact
Senior Specialist Ms. Minna Säpyskä-Aalto
Email: minna.sapyska(at)tampere.fi
Mobile: +358 50 587 0357