BSR Stars S3 project organises a workshop “Fostering innovation and growth in the bioeconomy through smart specialization” at the 7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR in Stockholm on 8-9 November 2016 in Stockholm. The Forum is a major networking event with over 1000 participants and a thematic focus on the future and vision of the Baltic Sea region for 2030.

The bioeconomy workshop includes a panel discussion on successful approaches in implementing bio- and circular economy efforts represented by 3 cases from Finland, Sweden and Denmark: Paper Province (Sweden), Kalundborg Industial Symbiosis (Denmark) and Tampere Eco-Industrial Park Industrial Symbiosis (Finland). The workshop will address opportunities for building competitiveness through cooperation efforts aimed at sharing knowledge and infrastructures for bio- and circular economy business and innovation support. The partners will present on-going cooperation efforts in the BSR Stars S3 project – and invite other partners to engage in cooperation, within and beyond the project.

BSR Stars S3 project is coordinated by the Baltic Institute of Finland.