The final newsletter of GoSmart&Excel BSR project provides insights on building strategic inter-regional cooperation. The project developed a “transnational smart specialisation strategy” (Trans-S3) for the Baltic Sea region. One of the key project outcomes implementing this strategy is a Transnational Innovation Brokerage System (TIBS).
“Transnational Innovation Brokerage System supports small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the extension of their business activity on foreign markets. As a part of the GoSmart&Excel BSR project, we have developed a set of specialised tools, which help Innovation Brokers to identify potential and needs of entrepreneurs from seven Baltic See Regions, and then support them in looking for appropriate partners abroad. “
Find Newsletter HERE.
The Baltic Institute of Finland as a partner of GoSmart&Excel BSR and coordinator of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Innovation (PA INNO) promotes the Trans-S3 methodology and TIBS developed within the GoSmart&Excel project as promising assets in facilitating more strategic business cooperation in the Baltic Sea region.
“Trans-S3 methodology and the identified strongest shared smart specialisation (S3) priorities in the BSR as well as the TIBS can help building long-term strategic innovation cooperation and partnerships that can eventually lead to joint investments. The role of regions in supporting the development of strategic partnerships is essential”, says Johanna Leino, Development Manager at the Baltic Institute of Finland. “It requires political will, leadership and good regional innovation governance including continuous interaction with business, research, public and non-governmental actors.”