by johanna.leino | Apr 29, 2023 | News
We make transition! -project organises two interesting webinars in May! The aim of the We make transition! -project is to improve the cooperation between local governance and various environmental and social sustainability stakeholders with a focus on civil society...
by johanna.leino | Feb 7, 2023 | News
We make transition! -project kicks off with a seminar in Helsinki, 10 March We live with complex ecological and social challenges, and there is a need to mobilise all levels of society to develop solutions that enable a needed change in our traditional ways of doing...
by johanna.leino | Jul 14, 2022 | News
Tampereelta luontoon ja takaisin – bussikuljetus keskustasta vie Seitsemiseen ja Helvetinjärvelle Sustainable Tourism Mobility -hankkeessa testataan bussipalvelua Pirkanmaan lähiluontokohteisiin. Outdoor Express -bussi kuljettaa edulliseen hintaan Tampereen...
by johanna.leino | Jul 7, 2022 | News
BSR S3 Ecosystem Platform project had the aim to influence, improve knowledge and raise discussion among regional, national and EU level innovation policy makers and experts of the opportunities, challenges and needed capacities related to the development of strategic...
by johanna.leino | Jun 8, 2022 | News
Tervetuloa Sustainable Tourism Mobility – onko data ratkaisun avain? -työpajaan tiistaina 14.6.2022 klo 13:00-16:00. Työpaja järjestetään Tampere Smart City Week -tapahtuman yhteydessä. Työpajan tavoitteena on löytää käytännöllisiä tapoja matkailun liikkumisen datan...